
2024 Hands-On Mission Project
School Kits for Liberia

The 3 Rivers District recently sent out information regarding 2024's Hands-On Mission Project: School Kits for
Liberia. You should have received a forwarded email from Centenary on April 11th which outlines the specifications of the project. All school kit items should be packed in a backpack.

Community Garden
Envisioned to create a space of peace and play and to encourage friendship and sharing
within our neighborhood. Much work has been planned or implemented to open our outdoor space to those
who desire to sit in peace, watch their kids on the playground equipment  or simply to be with God.
Since spring planting has begun, appropriate vegetable soil is needed for the raised bed planting boxes.
Please contact Jessica C. or Pastor Linda with your questions and offers of assistance.

April 3rd Sunday  Mission  Focus
Red Bird Mission
Beverly, KY
"Building healthy, economically sustainable communities
in the mountains of southeastern Kentucky"

Safe Haven Baby Box
Erwin's Safe Haven Baby Box will be installed at a local and accessible fire station.
Please contact Lois Shults-Davis or Pastor Linda if you would like to be involved on the local level.
Financial support is always greatly appreciated.

Perpetual Giving
Used eyewear - Lions Club
Pop tabs -
Used postage stamps -  leave on the Missions table

Care & Share 
Expanded volunteer opportunities:
Monday  Wednesday  Friday  9a - 12p
Monetary support and gifts from the Amazon Wish List:
Cut and paste this link:  https://www.amazon.com/registries/gl/guest-view/3TW02WNZ158W5

A newly designated Missions account has been established!

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations

Matthew 28:19

Community GardeN

Centenary has created a comprehensive plan to establish a raised-bed community garden adjacent to the children's play area.
Stay tuned for spring implementation!

Bartlesville First United Methodist Church Photo Credit

Active Missionaries from Holston Conference

Rukang and Fresie Chikomb - Democratic Republic of Congo
Fred and Libby Dearing - South Sudan
Helen Roberts Evans - Liberia
Harry Howe - Project Crossroads, Marion, VA
Lisa Nichols-Jubilee Project 
Nancy Chinzvende - Ishe Anesu, Zimbabwe 
Bill Lovelace - Lithuania
Christina DowlingSoka - Alaska
David Warden - Oklahoma Indian Missionary Conference

Your support is greatly appreciated. 

Encourage our active missionaries

Write an encouragement, question, or prayer and we'll connect you via email.